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10 Foods That Could Help Prevent Dementia

As we age, certain foods can also help prevent degenerative diseases. The MIND diet, which stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay diet, encourages eating foods that help fight dementia. Studies have shown the Mediterranean cooking style increases heart health, and the plant-based DASH diet, short for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, promotes eating many of the same kinds of foods.10 foods that help prevent dementia

1. Greens – 6+ servings/week

Whether you eat them in a crisp summer salad or blend them into a fruity smoothie, aim to get six or more servings per week.

2. Vegetables – 1+ servings/day

In addition to leafy greens, vegetables of all kinds are encouraged on the MIND diet. Try roasting them in the oven, pureeing them to a creamy texture, or adding herbs and garlic to enhance their flavor without adding salt.

3. Nuts – 5+ servings/week

The healthy fats and fiber in nuts make them an ideal MIND diet food. Plus, they’re an excellent snack to have around in the kitchen or in your bag when you’re feeling peckish.

4. Berries – 2+ servings/week

A wide variety of berries have been shown to protect brain health and should be eaten at least twice a week. They’re also a perfect substitute for high-sugar desserts and sweets.

5. Beans – 4+ meals/week

Beans are high in fiber and protein, keeping you satisfied longer – plus they’re low in calories and fat. Beans can take on the flavor of whatever you’re cooking them in, and they’re a great addition to dishes year-round.

6. Whole Grains – 3+ servings/day

Switch white bread out for more nutritious and filling whole-wheat bread, as whole grains are recommended on the MIND diet. Other easy whole grains to add into your diet include oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and popcorn.

7. Fish – 1+ meals/week

The unsaturated fats in fish are great for your overall health. Plus, fish like salmon and cod are healthy and delicious alternatives to red meat.

8. Poultry – 2+ meals/week

Like fish, poultry has unsaturated fats that provide health benefits, making it another prime choice on the MIND diet. Eat it in wraps, salads, sandwiches, soups, stir fries, or on its own!

9. Olive Oil

The MIND diet recommends cooking with olive oil because it helps protect your brain from Alzheimer’s disease. Olive or canola oil are the perfect alternative to butter or margarine, which should be avoided.

10. Wine

Wine in moderation is encouraged on the MIND diet! Studies show both red and white wine can be beneficial for your brain, and red wine has been proven to protect brain cells.

At Artis Senior Living, we incorporate the MIND diet into our dining programs, along with a wide variety of delicious and nutritious cuisine. Learn more by contacting our friendly team today!

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